Monday, January 8, 2018

November 2016

These two are quite the dynamic duo lately.  They sure have a way of joyfully pushing each other's buttons, and by extension, my buttons.  Good thing they're cute.

One night I went to check on the kids and found Liam snuggling Ruby.  Such a sweet big brother.

Lots of nastyness going on around here lately.  Too many meds to keep track of!

We all went to the BYU volleyball game vs St. Mary's.  The refs were not cougar fans!

Ammon turned 5.

Cousin outing to the park, cut short by everyone's need to poop.  Yep, keeping it real folks.

Ammon and his Joy School class with their thankful turkeys.

I can't remember why they're crying, but I must have thought it was funny.

Seth was sick on his birthday, but his class celebrated him when he was better.  He was really worried about getting his treats and crown.

Eli and Sariah both made the All Star soccer teams.  They played under the lights at the MHHS stadium.

Date night to a fireside up at the Oakland Temple to hear the Eyre's speak about parenting.  We dragged our husbands to the meet and greet after so I could snap a pic with one of my idols, Linda Eyre, who founded Joy School with her husband.

Our music man, picking up the ukulele.

Free doughnuts for good grades.

Our resident archer lately.  He keeps making bow and arrows out of his sister's headbands.

Ruby insists on buckling up Salalala every single time we go anywhere.  Ammon isn't usually amused.

Joy School Thanksgiving feast for Ammon.

Scouting for food in our town.

The kids take thousands of unattractive photos of me on my phone.  One that turned out.

Allen cousins from Oregon came to visit for Thanksgiving.  We spent the day in SF.

Sutro baths

Tompa treated us all to a carousel ride.

playing 3 flys up at the school stadium

busting out the Christmas tree

On Thanksgiving I insisted on a family photo shoot so I could give everyone pictures for Christmas.  The whole family, minus Ryan and Jamie, plus Grandmom's friend Janet.

Grandmom and her great grandbabies

Papaw with the grandkids

Grammy with the grandkids

Being silly with Uncle Sean and Auntie Lolo

back to the house for a feast

With Mimmie & Tompa, and Mutti & Abba

As always, such a fun visit with the Oregon cousins

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