Monday, January 8, 2018

October 2016

Ruby loved puppy sitting Rosie.  Rosie tolerated Ruby.

For the love, why?

These two hosted a couple bake sales at the weekly soccer games to earn money for summer camps.

It's a phase right?

Ammon was invited to a costume party.  Ruby used her cute looks to sneak in too.

A little puddle jumping after church.

Love my little, even if she's a perpetual mess maker.

Joy School field trip to the pumpkin patch, which ended up being closed due to flooding.  We ended up at Krispy Kreme instead.

This girl loves painting.

Ammon's a master sandwich maker.  He got tired of waiting for me.  Lazy parenting results in independent children.

Sariah's 5th/6th grade volleyball team.

Eli was student of the month.

Ruby and her best bud Scarlett.  The rest of their class was all sick so they got to join into the big kid class for the day.

Ammon's Joy School class plus Ruby.

Eli's volleyball skills have really improved.  I think he might be taking out his emotional frustration on the ball.  

Meilani's team at the volleyball banquet.

Eli's team won the soccer championship.

Trunk or Treat with Auntie at Grammy's ward.

Halloween trick or treating.  Eli as a grumpy teen (he really nailed the costume this year), Sariah as an identify thief, Liam as Harry Potter, Seth as Peter Pan, Ammon is a knight, and Ruby as Supergirl.

at the big kids' school parade.

The loot

Ammon loved playing soccer.

Seth had all his buddies on his team, which made up for the fact that the league decided not to play with any rules for his age bracket.

Sariah held her own on a pretty competitive team.

Eli loved his coach and enjoyed the friendships on the team.

And Ruby spent her soccer days making new friends.

Liam decided to try flag football instead of soccer this year, and he loved it!  It was a great change for him and although his team didn't do super well, he found his sport I think.

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