Monday, December 26, 2011

Ammon's Blessing

Our sweet Ammon was given a name and a blessing at church on December 4th.  As usual, it was a hectic Sunday morning getting ready for church.  I only had time to snap a few pictures.  My family is less than cooperative when it comes to honoring my request for posed pictures.

Ben performed the blessing ordinance.  It was beautiful and powerful.  Hearing each of my children's baby blessing is a sacred experience for me.  It's one of those moments in life when time almost stops, and where the veil that separates us from heaven seems just a little bit thinner allowing me to more fully grasp the eternal connection I have to my Heavenly Father and Savior.  Ammon was told in his blessing that he has been sent to earth at a time when the ways of the world are changing and that he would have the strength to withstand the fiery darts of the adversary.  He was blessed to be a strength to his family and friends, being an example of all that is righteous.  He was blessed to go forward being different and standing out, saying "no" to what the world says "yes" to.  He was blessed to enter the temple.  He was told "You will be one of the Lord's missionaries" bringing many to Heavenly Father.  That was particularly touching to me since when we found out that we were pregnant with a boy, Ben's first reply was "The Lord needs more missionaries."  Ammon was blessed to find a companion whom he can be sealed to, and to raise a righteous posterity.  He was blessed with health and the ability to overcome physical trials, understanding his nature as a son of God, to inherit all God has.  He was blessed to come closer to Heavenly Father and to help others to do so also.  After the blessing our Bishop commented on how special it was, saying "There's no doubt that kid's going on a mission!"  I'm thankful for the opportunity we have in our church to receive priesthood blessings that provide guidance, promises, and blessings according to our faithfulness.  While Ammon won't remember this special experience, baby blessings offer us as parents a reminder of our sacred responsibility to rear them in righteousness.  We are so thankful for this sweet boy.  I know he was meant to be part of our family and I'm honored with the trust our Heavenly Father has placed in me as his mother.

Getting ready for church.  I had morning meetings so Ammon and I had to be ready early.  Hence why the rest of the family didn't join us in the shot.  They were still in jammies.

Dressed in blessing white.

I love baby yawns!

I could stare into this kid's eyes forever!  I sense a maturity in his spirit when he looks into my eyes with such intensity.

This is how my picture attempts usually go.  Trying to get a good shot of the baby while Seth is continually climbing on him is next to impossible.

Grammy, Mutti, Abba, Titi, and Uncle Jared all came to share in Ammon's special day.


Farley Smiles said...

I so wish I could have been there too! I really thought about it but just couldn't make it work but I'm glad it was a special day!

Katie said...

such a beautiful little baby & beautiful family :)

The Watkins team said...

I am so glad I just discovered your blog! And how is it that I haven't held this little stud muffin in over a month?! We need to fix this asap.