Thursday, February 4, 2010

Eli is 7!

My little Eli turned 7 on Tuesday, February 2nd. When I was pregnant with Eli I was nervous about mothering a son. I prayed one day while I was pregnant and had the distinct feeling that Eli was meant to come to our family, and that I was meant to be his mother. I'm so thankful that Eli joined our team! He has brought so much joy, service and kindness to our home. He truly is the sweetest boy and teaches me about love everyday. Each student in his class at school wrote him a little letter on his birthday and every single one said how nice, and kind, and compassionate he is (one even commented on what a great dresser he is -- well actually it said bresser, but you get the idea). Kids that age don't lie to be polite, like adults do, so I know he really is a good friend to his classmates, and it makes my heart smile! Eli loves hugs and snuggles, has an infectious laugh, and is very obedient. He is the first to share, even when others don't reciprocate, and is extremely thoughtful. I'm so glad to be his mom! I know the Lord sent him to the right place! To celebrate Eli's birthday we had the usual Sunday family dinner. Eli was happy to have the spotlight and enjoyed the festivities very much.

Blowing out the candles.

Digging into the presents. He had this cheesy grin pasted on his face the whole time he was opening gifts.

Trying out the new shoes. I don't think they fit super well, but he refused to exchange them and has worn them to school everyday.

Our snazzy bresser (get it?).

Trying out the new hula hoop. Meilani refuses to share hers, so Eli was so happy to get his own. I think the tongue helps keep the hoop up!

Seth, trying out his new found tongue. He must have learned that trick from Eli!

Meilani cuddling with her Mutti. Don't they look alike?! People say Meilani looks like me, but I see a strong Fobert resemblance!

Grandmom and Princess, the pooch.

Eli reading his birthday card to Papaw.

Grammy and Seth

Liam covered a napping Abba with dish towels and pillows then climbed into place for some snuggle time. Those two are napping buddies!

On Eli's actual birthday we went to McDonald's for dinner with our neighbor friends to celebrate. Ben had to work late, so I wasn't about to cook!

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