Monday, September 22, 2014

3rd Grade Events

Sariah's class went to "pioneer school" recently.  The kids have to dress in period clothing and attend a day of school in an old one room school house with lessons similar to kids their age in the 1870s.  Recently the old school house had a fire so Sariah actually went to a conference room in downtown Tracy, but hey, she still had fun and learned about our local past.

Her class also did a wax museum where the students wrote a report about, then dressed up as, a person from the past who made a significant contribution to society.  Sariah was not excited about the project when she saw the list of possible individuals.  Shirley Temple, Coco Chanel...yep, our spunky girl was not about to go to school dressed like either of those women, so we settled on Sally Ride, the first woman in space.  Eli's old scout uniform made for a very easy NASA uniform which made mom very happy too.  

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