This year I had a great Mother's Day, in part, I think, because I have drastically lowered my expectations. In years past, I've looked forward to a day of pampering where all maternal duties could be neglected, where I could make it to church on time, with no kiddie funk on me, where the house is immaculate without having to lift a finger, and where all children are angels. Of course this scenario never happens. So this year, I decided that I didn't care if the house was a mess, or if the kids screamed their little heads off, or if my husband didn't get me anything (which he did, just for the record! a bike, flowers, and a Sees gift certificate). This year, I relished in the hugs and kisses, enjoyed family dinner, and even though I still had to wipe a few butts, I tried to remember how thankful I am for the children those butts belong to. I'm doing my best, and so are my kids. I'm trying harder to "enjoy the journey."

I needed pictures for the Mother's Day gifts we made for our moms so I snapped these real quick after church and printed them out. What did we do before all this technology?
My 5 Little Monkeys:
My 5 Little Monkeys:
Cute, cute picture of you and your kids. All the pictures are cute! I'm glad you had a Happy Mother's deserve it! I miss you!!
Your kids are so stinkin cute!
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