Ms. Teacher (name has been changed to protect the innocent!),
Last night Meilani was extremely rude and disrespectful to her siblings. As a punishment we've told Meilani that she can not talk at all today. She may nod to answer questions you ask, but is not to speak at all. We realize that this may seem extreme, but appreciate your support in this matter. We're hoping that this experience will teach Meilani to "hold her tongue" when she is frustrated or angry.
Meilani gave her teacher the note upon entering the classroom and then didn't speak for 20 whole minutes! I really thought she'd "chicken out" at the last minute, or at least give it away, but I hear she was extremely convincing (uh oh, are we breeding a liar?)! After her "moments of silence," she gave her teacher another note that said "APRIL FOOLS!" Meilani said her teacher thought it was hysterical and called her a goober. Coincidentally, Ben happened to be at the school today, visiting classrooms in his school board capacity. He met with the principal in the morning and let her in on the prank, and good thing too, because apparently Meilani's teacher sent off an email to the principal after getting the first note asking her what she should do. I'm sure the poor teacher must have thought we were absolutely crazy! When Ben went into Meilani's classroom to observe, Meilani's teacher teased him a bit about the prank and the whole class broke out in cheers for Meilani. I was tickled all day recounting in my mind how it all played out. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall. Here's the email I got from the teacher:
BEST PRANK EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You got me good. Meilani was so convincing! That was awesome. Thanks for the fun!
To continue on with the day's festivities I also sent fruit roll-ups (a major treat at our house) in the kids' lunches, but the roll-up wrapper was actually filled with trail mix and an April Fools note from mom. For dinner we had Spaghetti Cake, and Fake Spaghetti and Malt Balls for dessert. Fun, fun, fun!
Recipe from
Earlier today Sariah kept nagging me to come and take a picture of her and Liam. She said "We're sooooooo cute, you have to take a picture!" I can't disagree I guess. They had set up some type of fruit stand restaurant in the playroom.
This afternoon the "dynamic duo" got into our halloween box in the garage. Here they are in their self selected ensembles watching a movie (don't worry it was educational!), while I helped the older two with homework. They had so much fun in the costumes that they insisted on sleeping in them this evening. One might say that allowing them to sleep in halloween costumes, in April, is utterly ridiculous, and I can't argue there, however; we're hoping that if we give in to this type of nonsense now, then we can save the big arguments for things like tatoos and body piercings later. It is April Fools Day afterall. And I must say, they do look like fools! Just before we started reading the scriptures this evening Ben said to Sariah "It's time to be reverent." She gave a solmen "woof" and nooded her doggie head. I burst out loud in laughter. Then Ben asked Liam to say our nightly prayer. It went like this: "Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for this . . . I'M MINNIE!" Ben said "Okay Minnie, finish the prayer." He did and we all giggled through it. God included, I'm sure!
I just laughed out loud, that is so great! I can't believe she kept up the prank so well!
I love hearing about your family's adventures Danelle! 3 Things: 1. good job on the prank! I would have never thought to prank a teacher! 2. It's so fun to see our kids play together and entertain one another. I guess I've never realized that I won't always be the one setting up fruit stands with ir's good to know she will have siblings to do that with! 3 and perhaps most important: can McKyla and Liam please marry each other?!?! Or Seth and Baylie, whichever you prefer. Seriously. =)
Sorry I meant your kids play together....mine don't do that yet.....yikes i'll proof read next time!
FYI-I love your kids!!
HILARIOUS! I laughed out loud when I saw Liam's picture, it reminded me of all the times Eli would dress up in the girl clothes with Meilani and my times :)
You are awesome Danelle! What a fun day- I'm sure your kids will remember April Fools as much as any other holiday and that is fabulous!
Hi Danelle! This is Emery - the Foberts' friend from San Francisco. I just had to comment on this post because it just made me smile. I love everything you did for April Fools' Day! Your love for the holiday (and effort to make it fun) will surely provide great memories for your kids for years to come! Thanks for sharing. :)
Oh, and the joke with Meilani's teacher was SO funny! :)
Say hello to Ben for me.
thanks so much for sharing.
I had totally forgotten that we did this.
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