Exactly one year ago today, I started this little blog. I'm celebrating by finally eating one of my caramel apples! Yep, the whole thing, all by myself. Starting a blog was the last thing on my pre-baby to-do list. I actually didn't think I'd ever get around to it, but Sethie came late and so to pass the time until my induction, I started my blog. And I'm so glad I did! I had the usual reasons for wanting to join the online bloggy world, but the thing I didn't expect is the creative release and enjoyment I'd get from posting about my life. I've always enjoyed writing but never have time to do it. Blogging has enabled me to share our family happenings with our loved ones, has allowed me to keep a journal, and a photo album, and is sort of a creative hobby, rather than another thing I have to do. I didn't expect that. I think my photography has improved marginally in the last year and I feel great that I'm no longer carrying the guilt for failing at all of the above. And the best part? My hub loves my blog. I love that he loves it and am quite pleased with myself for sticking with it, without letting it consume my life and time. This is post number 85! In the back of my mind I hoped I might be able to post once week or so, and I'm thrilled that I've exceeded that. So, thanks for reading! And come back soon (It's only a matter of time before something embarrassingly comical happens). Even if I don't know you're reading, you're welcome here!
Yeah! I'm so glad you did it! It makes moving away easier (except when I'm sad to be missing out!) to still see everything that is going on and keeping up with your family!
I knew you could do it! And you do it well! Keep it up, I love reading it too. What better way is there to keep up with friends. I should see how many posts I have so far.
It is a delight to read your blog!
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