Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back to the Grind

Summer is a gift. I love it because our schedules are wide open, and no one else is telling me what to do with my kids. Likewise, I always look forward to a new school year, getting back to a consistent schedule, and the freshness of new starts . . . and brand new crayons!

This year we had a little "Back to School" themed dinner with some friends, complete with cafeteria style plates, boxed milk, and school supply decor.

My grown up girl, headed off to 4th grade. She looks so mature!

Sweet Eli, of to 2nd grade.

My baby girl, so so ready for Kindergarten. She didn't even want to hold still for the picture because she was too excited to go.

Waiting in line to head into the classroom. I was a wee bit teary. She was very confident going in and even insisted that she could walk to her classroom alone, when I instructed Eli to walk her to her in on day three.

Our kids are attending a brand new school. Dad even got to help cut the ribbon at the grand opening!

My babies are growing too fast.

Liam started Joy School (preschool) this year. He is more than ready, having attended a few classes when I taught Sariah last year. (PS, I got a new camera between the first day for the older three, and the first day for Liam. Can you see the difference in the picture quality? I can!!! Thanks babe for the new toy!!!)

Liam wears his "fire" flip flops everywhere he goes. He opted for these instead of his new tennis shoes for the first day. No those aren't bruises under his toenails, it's purple nail polish, of course.

Are they not two of the cutest fellas around? So with four kids gone at school, and Seth taking a nap, Mommy had a blissful 2 hours of quiet time. Very rare indeed!


April said...

HUGE difference with the pictures!! And I can't believe how big both Liam and Seth look. Seth is a mini Ben!! Carmen came home today and said there are two girls in her class who are always together.... just like her and Sariah used to be... :(

Anonymous said...

Love the new pictures! Your camera rocks!

Wow the last picture is my fav. the boys look so big!

Glad Meilani doesnt have a cast this start of the school year. :)

Love you all!


Sarah said...

nice new pictures! I can't believe how big your kids are....seriously, Liam looks like a small grown up...good thing Seth is still a baby for a while :)

Beck Family said...

Having a new camera is so much fun. Now you'll have so many good ones to choose from and that in and of its self can be frustrating. I love Liam's shirt. Where did you get it. You do have an adorable family. I remember those good old days of nursery and Sariah first came in at 18 months. Its hard to believe she grown up enough to be off to kindergarten.

Kristie said...

I love it. Your kids are so freaking cute! They are just so themselves and rocking every minute of it. Very cute!

Farley Smiles said...

I've always wanted to do a back to school dinner like that but I can never get anyone to do it with me!! It makes me miss you guys all the more! Meilani looks so grown up to me and I only saw her a couple of weeks ago! and new fun!