Saturday, July 13, 2013

Welcome to Summer

On the last day of school Sariah's class had a party at the park.  I stopped by to drop off some treats that Sariah insisted she needed to bring.  Guess where I found her?  On the basketball court of course, sweaty as can be, giving a bunch of boys a run for their money.  I love my spunky girl!

After school we went over to a friends house for a big "Welcome to Summer" party.  Meilani did face (and body) painting again this year.

These girls were cracking me up!

They had to show me both sides of their paint jobs.

There was a sprinkler car wash for the kids to run through.

and lots of snacks

Seth showing off his potato bug face paint.  Funny kid.  Apparently there was a scavenger hunt and Sariah couldn't find a potato bug, so she put Seth up to getting that on his face so she could finish the hunt!

We mustache you a question.

Ammon was in heaven with the popsicles which was fine until later in the day when they were a melty mess in the cooler.

My beautiful Meilani.  She's growing up too fast.
Eli was there, fyi.  He was off playing and I couldn't catch a pic.

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